Definition of sweat


mồ hôi, đổ mồ hôi


Definition of undefined

The word "sweat" has its roots in Old English. The term "swætan" is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*swaitiz," which is also the source of the Modern German word "schwitzen." This Proto-Germanic word is thought to have originated from the Proto-Indo-European root "*sweid-", which meant "to wet" or "to radiate." In Old English, "swætan" referred to the act of sweating or producing sweat, as well as the sweat itself. Over time, the spelling evolved to "sweat," and the word gained its modern meaning. Today, "sweat" can refer to the bodily secretion that occurs when we exercise, are hot, or experience other forms of physical activity, as well as the verb meaning to produce this secretion.

liquid on skin

drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill or afraid

những giọt chất lỏng xuất hiện trên bề mặt da khi bạn nóng, ốm hoặc sợ hãi

  • beads of sweat

    những giọt mồ hôi

  • She wiped the sweat from her face.

    Cô lau mồ hôi trên mặt.

  • By the end of the match, the sweat was pouring off him.

    Đến cuối trận, mồ hôi anh tuôn rơi.

  • Their bodies were soaked in sweat.

    Cơ thể họ ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

Extra examples:
  • He mopped the sweat from his brow.

    Anh lau mồ hôi trên trán.

  • He was dripping with sweat.

    Anh ấy đang đổ mồ hôi.

  • His hands trembled and sweat broke out all over his body.

    Tay anh run rẩy và mồ hôi túa ra khắp người.

  • My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.

    Áo sơ mi của tôi dính vào mồ hôi nhớp nháp trên lưng.

  • Sweat beaded her face.

    Mồ hôi lấm tấm trên mặt cô.

  • Sweat glistened on her forehead.

    Mồ hôi lấm tấm trên trán cô.

  • Sweat was running down his back.

    Mồ hôi chảy dọc lưng anh.

  • The room smelled of stale sweat.

    Căn phòng có mùi mồ hôi cũ kỹ.

  • The workmen were bathed in sweat.

    Những người công nhân ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

Related words and phrases

the state of being covered with sweat

tình trạng đổ mồ hôi

  • I woke up in a sweat.

    Tôi thức dậy trong mồ hôi.

  • She completed the routine without even working up a sweat.

    Cô ấy đã hoàn thành công việc thường ngày mà không hề đổ một giọt mồ hôi nào.

  • He breaks out in a sweat just at the thought of flying.

    Anh ta đổ mồ hôi chỉ khi nghĩ đến việc bay.

  • He started having night sweats.

    Anh bắt đầu đổ mồ hôi đêm.

Extra examples:
  • She broke out in a cold sweat when she saw the spider.

    Cô đổ mồ hôi lạnh khi nhìn thấy con nhện.

  • We worked up a good sweat carrying the boxes outside.

    Chúng tôi đã phải đổ mồ hôi rất nhiều để mang những chiếc hộp ra ngoài.

Related words and phrases

hard work

hard work or effort

làm việc chăm chỉ hoặc nỗ lực

  • Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.

    Việc tự trồng rau nghe có vẻ tốn rất nhiều mồ hôi.

  • She achieved success by the sweat of her brow (= by working very hard).

    Cô ấy đạt được thành công bằng mồ hôi trán (= bằng cách làm việc rất chăm chỉ).

  • A lot of sweat has gone into producing this.

    Rất nhiều mồ hôi đã đổ vào để sản xuất ra sản phẩm này.


a sweatsuit or sweatpants

một bộ đồ thể thao hoặc quần thể thao

  • I hung around the house all day in my sweats.

    Tôi quanh quẩn trong nhà cả ngày trong tình trạng đổ mồ hôi.


be/get in a sweat (about something)
to be/become anxious or frightened about something
blood, sweat and tears
very hard work; a lot of effort
  • The only way to succeed is through old-fashioned blood, sweat and tears.
  • break sweat
    (informal)to use a lot of physical effort
  • He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final.
  • She beat me without even breaking (a) sweat.
  • no sweat
    (informal)used to tell somebody that something is not difficult or a problem when they thank you or ask you to do something
  • ‘Thanks for everything.’ ‘Hey, no sweat!’
  • Well, he could answer that one straight off, no sweat!