Definition of negation


phủ định


The word "negation" derives from the Latin word "negātiōnem," which was formed from the prefix "ne-" (meaning "not") and the verb "gāre" (meaning "say" or "affirm"). In Latin grammar, "negātiōnism" referred to the act of denying or opposing something that had been previously asserted. This concept was then carried over into medieval logic and grammar, where "negātiōn" became the term used to describe the process of denying the truth of a proposition. Over time, the term began to be more broadly applied, reflecting its modern use as a term in mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics to refer to the expression or assertion of the opposite of a statement or proposition. In short, the word "negation" can be traced back to the Latin root "ne-" meaning "not," and has come to refer to a wide range of linguistic, logical, and philosophical concepts related to the denial or opposition of propositions or statements.


the exact opposite of something; the act of causing something not to exist or to become its opposite

hoàn toàn trái ngược với một cái gì đó; hành động khiến một cái gì đó không tồn tại hoặc trở thành đối diện của nó

  • This political system was the negation of democracy.

    Hệ thống chính trị này là sự phủ định của nền dân chủ.

the act of disagreeing with somebody/something or refusing to do something

hành động không đồng ý với ai/điều gì hoặc từ chối làm điều gì đó

  • She shook her head in negation.

    Cô lắc đầu phủ nhận.