Definition of misdirect


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The word "misdirect" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin words "minus," meaning "wrong" or "incorrect," and "directus," meaning "directed" or "guided." The term originally meant "to direct or guide in the wrong way" or "to turn aside from the right path." Over time, the meaning of "misdirect" expanded to convey the idea of intentionally diverting or altering the course of something, such as a person, an action, or a process. In a legal context, "misdirect" is often used to describe a witness's testimony that is intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Today, the word "misdirect" is used in a variety of contexts, including law, sports, and everyday conversations.


to use something in a way that is not appropriate to a particular situation

sử dụng cái gì đó theo cách không phù hợp với một tình huống cụ thể

  • Their efforts over the past years have been largely misdirected.

    Những nỗ lực của họ trong những năm qua phần lớn đều sai hướng.

to send somebody/something in the wrong direction or to the wrong place

gửi ai đó/cái gì đó đi sai hướng hoặc đến sai địa điểm

  • Several passengers were misdirected to the wrong airport.

    Một số hành khách đã bị chuyển hướng đến sân bay khác.

to give a jury (= the group of people who decide if somebody is guilty of a crime) wrong information about the law

cung cấp cho bồi thẩm đoàn (= nhóm người quyết định xem ai đó có phạm tội hay không) thông tin sai lệch về luật pháp