Definition of divert


chuyển hướng


The word "divert" comes from the Middle English word "diverten" which in turn comes from the Old French word "desvierter" meaning "turn aside" or "turn away." In Old French, the word "desvierter" referred to an action of turning aside or away. In Middle English, the word "diverten" was used to refer to an action of turning aside or away, following the Old French usage. The word "divert" was derived from the Middle English word "diverten" and ultimately from the Old French word "desvierter." Over time, the meaning of "divert" evolved to include any action or process of turning away or aside, particularly in the context of directional or navigational matters. It came to describe any action or process of turning away or aside in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of directional or navigational matters. Today, "divert" is still used to describe any action or process of turning away or aside, particularly in the context of directional or navigational matters. In summary, the word "divert" originated in Old French from the word "desvierter," which means "turn aside" or "turn away." Its original meaning referred to an action of turning aside or away, but its meaning evolved to include any action or process of turning away or aside, particularly in the context of directional or navigational matters.


to make somebody/something change direction

làm cho ai/cái gì đổi hướng

  • The course of the stream has now been diverted.

    Dòng chảy hiện đã được chuyển hướng.

  • Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads.

    Giao thông hướng bắc sẽ phải chuyển hướng sang các đường nhỏ.

to use money, materials, etc. for a different purpose from their original purpose

sử dụng tiền, vật liệu, v.v. cho mục đích khác với mục đích ban đầu của chúng

  • More of the budget was diverted into promotions.

    Nhiều ngân sách đã được chuyển vào các chương trình khuyến mãi.

to take somebody’s thoughts or attention away from something

lấy đi suy nghĩ hoặc sự chú ý của ai đó khỏi cái gì đó

  • The war diverted people's attention away from the economic situation.

    Chiến tranh đã chuyển hướng sự chú ý của mọi người khỏi tình hình kinh tế.

  • She managed to divert the baby onto a different activity.

    Cô đã tìm cách chuyển hướng đứa bé sang một hoạt động khác.

Related words and phrases

to entertain people

để giải trí cho mọi người

  • Children are easily diverted.

    Trẻ em dễ dàng bị chuyển hướng.