Definition of mantle


lớp phủ


The word "mantle" has its origins in the Old English word "mantel," which meant a type of cloak or garment worn over other clothing. The Old English term derived from the Latin word "mantellum," which referred to a similar piece of clothing. The Latin word "mantellum" was believed to have originated from the Greek word "mantus," which denoted a type of outer garment or cloak worn by both men and women. In Ancient Greece, the mantus was typically made of wool or linen and was worn as a symbol of social status. Over time, the meaning and usage of the word "mantle" expanded beyond simply referring to a type of clothing. In Middle English, the term came to be associated with authority and responsibility, as in "the mantle of leadership." During the Middle Ages, the mantle was also used to refer to a covering or shroud placed over a coffin during funeral ceremonies. In more modern usage, the word "mantle" has evolved to refer to a metaphorical covering or assumption of authority. For instance, an individual might say, "She has assumed the mantle of leadership in this organization." In broader contexts, the term might be used to refer to the protective coverings worn by scientific instruments, as in "the mantle of an active volcano." Overall, the word "mantle" has come a long way since its origins as a simple cloak or garment in Old English, reflecting the broader concept of authority, responsibility, and protective coverings that have become associated with its meaning over time.


the role and responsibilities of an important person or job, especially when they are passed on from one person to another

vai trò và trách nhiệm của một người hoặc công việc quan trọng, đặc biệt là khi chúng được truyền từ người này sang người khác

  • The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.

    Phó tổng thống bây giờ phải nắm giữ quyền lực tối cao.

  • She will soon inherit her father’s mantle.

    Cô ấy sẽ sớm thừa kế chiếc áo choàng của cha mình.

a layer of something that covers a surface

một lớp của cái gì đó bao phủ một bề mặt

  • hills with a mantle of snow

    những ngọn đồi với lớp phủ tuyết

  • a grey mantle of mist shrouding the slopes

    một lớp sương mù màu xám che phủ sườn núi

a loose piece of clothing without sleeves (= parts covering the arms), worn over other clothes, especially in the past

một bộ quần áo rộng không có tay áo (= bộ phận che cánh tay), mặc bên ngoài quần áo khác, đặc biệt là trong quá khứ

Related words and phrases

the part of the earth below the crust and surrounding the core

phần của trái đất bên dưới lớp vỏ và bao quanh lõi

a cover around the flame of a gas lamp that becomes very bright when it is heated

vỏ bọc xung quanh ngọn lửa của đèn khí trở nên rất sáng khi nó được làm nóng

a shelf above a fireplace

một cái kệ phía trên lò sưởi