Definition of magnify


Phóng đại


The word "magnify" is derived from the Latin word "magnificare," which literally means "to make great" or "to make magnificent." In Middle English, this word was spelled "mognifien" and was used to refer to the act of making something appear larger or more prominent than its actual size. The Latin root word "magnus" also means "large" or "great," and this prefix can be seen in other English words such as "magnanimous" (meaning "great-souled" or "noble") and "magnate" (which refers to a person in a position of power or authority). Over time, the meaning of "magnify" has evolved to encompass not just physical size, but also the act of making something more noticeable, important, or significant. This can be seen in phrases such as "magnifying the importance of a specific issue" or "magnifying the impact of a particular event." The verb "magnify" has existed in the English language since the 14th century, and today it is commonly used to describe actions such as enlarging a photo or making a sound louder. While the technological tools we use to magnify things today have changed, the meaning and usage of the word remains largely the same.


to make something look bigger than it really is, for example by using a lens or microscope

làm cho cái gì đó trông lớn hơn thực tế, ví dụ bằng cách sử dụng ống kính hoặc kính hiển vi

  • bacteria magnified to 1 000 times their actual size

    vi khuẩn được phóng đại lên 1 000 lần kích thước thực tế của chúng

  • an image magnified by a factor of 4

    một hình ảnh được phóng đại theo hệ số 4

  • The picture shows the insect’s head magnified ten times.

    Bức ảnh cho thấy đầu côn trùng được phóng to gấp 10 lần.

Related words and phrases

to make something bigger, louder or stronger

làm cái gì to hơn, to hơn hoặc mạnh hơn

  • The sound was magnified by the high roof.

    Âm thanh được phóng đại bởi mái nhà cao.

  • The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages.

    Mùa hè khô hạn đã làm trầm trọng thêm vấn đề thiếu nước.

to make something seem more important or serious than it really is

làm cho cái gì đó có vẻ quan trọng hơn hoặc nghiêm trọng hơn thực tế

  • The daring of his exploits had been hugely magnified by constant telling.

    Sự táo bạo trong những chiến công của anh ta đã được phóng đại lên rất nhiều nhờ việc kể liên tục.

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