Definition of amplify


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The word "amplify" has its roots in ancient Latin. The Latin word "amplus" means "wide" or "broad". In the 14th century, the Middle English word "amplien" emerged, which meant "to widen" or "to enlarge". This word was derived from the Latin "amplus". In the 16th century, the word "amplify" was formed by adding the suffix "-fy" to "amplien", which meant "to make wide" or "to make large". The word initially referred to physically widening or making something larger. Over time, the meaning of "amplify" expanded to include non-physical senses, such as making something louder (as in audio amplification) or increasing the magnitude of something (as in amplifying a message or idea). Today, "amplify" is used in various contexts, including science, technology, and everyday language.


to increase something in strength, especially sound

tăng sức mạnh của cái gì đó, đặc biệt là âm thanh

  • to amplify a guitar/an electric current/a signal

    khuếch đại một cây đàn guitar/dòng điện/tín hiệu

to add details to a story, statement, etc.

để thêm chi tiết vào một câu chuyện, tuyên bố, vv.

  • She refused to amplify further.

    Cô từ chối khuếch đại thêm.

  • You may need to amplify this point.

    Bạn có thể cần phải khuếch đại điểm này.