Definition of madam



The word "madam" originated during the 16th century in France, where it was used as an honorific title for women who took on a matronly role, particularly as the wife of a nobleman or wealthy merchant. The term "madame" (in its original spelling) was derived from the French "mademoiselle," which was used to refer to an unmarried woman. Over time, the term "madam" took on a more specific meaning, particularly in the context of the sex trade. In the 18th century, "madam" became a euphemism for a brothel owner, reflecting the higher-class status often associated with such women. By the 19th century, "madam" was increasingly used as a more general term for a woman who owned and operated a house of ill repute, whether it be a brothel, escort service, or other form of sex work. While the origins of the word "madam" in its current capacity are rooted in the sex industry, the term has also been adopted by women in other areas, including in the context of high-end hospitality, such as a head of hotel services, and as a mannerly way to address an unmarried woman, particularly in French-speaking countries. However, the association of "madam" with the sex trade has helped to perpetuate negative stereotypes and stigma surrounding women who work in the industry, particularly in regards to their reputations and the notion of respectability.


used when speaking or writing to a woman in a formal or business situation

được sử dụng khi nói hoặc viết cho một người phụ nữ trong một tình huống trang trọng hoặc kinh doanh

  • Can I help you, madam?

    Tôi có thể giúp gì cho bà?

  • Dear Madam (= used like Dear Sir in a letter)

    Dear Madam (= được sử dụng như Dear Sir trong một lá thư)

Related words and phrases

a girl or young woman who expects other people to do what she wants

một cô gái hoặc một phụ nữ trẻ mong đợi người khác làm những gì cô ấy muốn

  • She's a proper little madam.

    Cô ấy là một quý cô nhỏ đúng nghĩa.

a woman who is in charge of the people working as prostitutes in a brothel

một người phụ nữ phụ trách những người làm gái mại dâm trong nhà chứa