Definition of courtesy


lịch sự


The word "courtesy" originates from the Old French "curteisie," which is derived from the Latin "cortis," meaning "courteous" or "polite." The term originally referred to the behavior and demeanor of the nobility, particularly in medieval Europe. In the 12th century, it referred to the set of rules and expectations governing the behavior of knights and nobles towards each other and towards those of lower social classes. Over time, the meaning of courtesy expanded to encompass any polite and considerate behavior towards others, regardless of social class. Today, the term is often used to describe good manners, respect, and kindness towards others. Despite its origins in medieval nobility, courtesy has become a universal value, essential for maintaining positive relationships and social harmony.


polite behaviour that shows respect for other people

hành vi lịch sự thể hiện sự tôn trọng người khác

  • I was treated with the utmost courtesy by the staff.

    Tôi đã được nhân viên đối xử lịch sự nhất.

  • We asked them, as a matter of courtesy, if we could photograph their house.

    Chúng tôi hỏi họ, như một phép lịch sự, liệu chúng tôi có thể chụp ảnh ngôi nhà của họ không.

  • It's only common courtesy to tell the neighbours that we'll be having a party (= the sort of behaviour that people would expect).

    Đó chỉ là phép lịch sự thông thường khi nói với hàng xóm rằng chúng ta sẽ tổ chức một bữa tiệc (= loại hành vi mà mọi người mong đợi).

Extra examples:
  • He listened to all the complaints with great courtesy.

    Anh ấy lắng nghe tất cả những lời phàn nàn với sự lịch sự tuyệt vời.

  • It's a matter of courtesy to write and thank people after a party.

    Viết thư và cảm ơn mọi người sau bữa tiệc là một vấn đề lịch sự.

  • It's common courtesy to warn your neighbours if your children are going to have a party.

    Thông thường, bạn nên thông báo cho hàng xóm biết nếu con bạn sắp tổ chức tiệc.

  • She contacts clients regularly as a professional courtesy.

    Cô liên lạc với khách hàng thường xuyên như một phép lịch sự chuyên nghiệp.

  • her unfailing courtesy to everyone

    sự lịch sự không ngừng nghỉ của cô ấy với mọi người

  • He bowed his head with exaggerated courtesy.

    Anh ta cúi đầu với vẻ lịch sự thái quá.

  • We asked them as a matter of courtesy.

    Chúng tôi hỏi họ như một vấn đề lịch sự.

Related words and phrases

a polite thing that you say or do when you meet people in formal situations

một điều lịch sự mà bạn nói hoặc làm khi bạn gặp những người trong những tình huống trang trọng

  • an exchange of courtesies before the meeting

    trao đổi xã giao trước cuộc họp

  • The prime minister was welcomed with the usual courtesies.

    Thủ tướng được chào đón bằng những phép lịch sự thông thường.


courtesy of somebody/something
with the official permission of somebody/something and as a favour
  • The pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum.
  • given as a prize or provided free by a person or an organization
  • Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat.
  • as the result of a particular thing or situation
  • Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.
  • do somebody the courtesy of doing something
    to be polite by doing the thing that is mentioned
  • Please do me the courtesy of listening to what I'm saying.
  • She might have done me the courtesy of replying to my letter.
  • have the courtesy to do something
    to know when you should do something in order to be polite
  • You think he'd at least have the courtesy to call to say he'd be late.
  • You could at least have had the courtesy to let me know.