Definition of lousy


tệ hại


The origin of the word "lousy" can be traced back to the Middle English word "lous," which referred to a type of parasitic insect called a louse. These insects were commonly found on people's bodies and clothing, especially in times of poor hygiene. As the term "lousy" began to be used in Old English, it initially conveyed a meaning related to the presence of lice. Its earliest recorded use dates back to the 15th century in the form of "louseye," meaning "infested with lice." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to encompass more general connotations of worthlessness, inferiority, and unpleasantness. By the 17th century, the definition of "lousy" had expanded to include any object or condition that was unsatisfactory, worthless, or dirty. In modern English, the word "lousy" is commonly used to describe something that is substandard, imperfect, or deficient in some way. Many slang words and expressions have also incorporated the term, such as "lousy buck" (meaning a poor-quality dollar) and "lousy deal" (meaning an unfair transaction). Thus, the origins of the word "lousy" serve as a reminder of the importance of hygiene and personal cleanliness as well as the evolution of language over time.


very bad

rất tệ

  • What lousy weather!

    Thời tiết thật tệ!

  • I’ve had a lousy day.

    Tôi đã có một ngày tồi tệ.

  • She felt lousy (= ill).

    Cô ấy cảm thấy tệ (= ốm).

  • The food here is really lousy!

    Đồ ăn ở đây tệ thật!

Related words and phrases

used to show that you feel annoyed or offended because you do not think that something is worth very much

được sử dụng để chỉ rằng bạn cảm thấy khó chịu hoặc bị xúc phạm vì bạn không nghĩ rằng một cái gì đó có giá trị nhiều

  • All she bought me was this lousy T-shirt.

    Cô ấy chỉ mua cho tôi chiếc áo phông tệ hại này.

  • He offered me a lousy £100 for it.

    Anh ta trả cho tôi cái giá bèo bọt là 100 bảng Anh.

having too much of something or too many people

có quá nhiều thứ gì đó hoặc quá nhiều người

  • This place is lousy with tourists in August.

    Nơi này rất vắng khách du lịch vào tháng 8.