Definition of wretchedly


khốn khổ


The word "wretchedly" has its origin in the Old English words "wrec" meaning "miserable" or "woeful" and the suffix "-ly" which forms an adverb. The word "wretchedly" has been in use since the 14th century and initially meant "in a wretched or miserable manner". In Middle English, the word "wretchedly" was used to describe something or someone that was considered pitiful, miserable, or contemptible. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include a sense of loudly or violently, as in "the pain was wretchedly sharp". Today, "wretchedly" is used to describe something that is miserable, poor, or wretched, often with a sense of irony or hyperbole. For example, "the weather was wretchedly cold" or "the food was wretchedly overpriced". The word continues to be used in modern English to convey a sense of strong emotion or emphasis.


in a way that shows you feel very ill or unhappy

theo cách cho thấy bạn cảm thấy rất ốm hoặc không vui

  • ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said wretchedly.

    "Tôi thực sự xin lỗi", cô ấy nói một cách đau khổ.

very badly; to a very bad degree

rất tệ; ở mức độ rất tệ

  • They were wretchedly under-equipped for such a journey.

    Họ hoàn toàn không có đủ trang thiết bị cho một chuyến đi như vậy.