Definition of shoddy


kém chất lượng


The word "shoddy" originated in the mid-19th century as a result of a new textile manufacturing process called shoddy-making. This process involved the recycling of old woolen clothes into new ones, aimed at reducing production costs. The resulting materials were often of low quality, with tangled and visible stitches, making them appear shabby or shoddy. The term "shoddy" was coined to describe these inferior products. Based on the old verb "shade," which means to shed or cast off, the new term "shoddy" reflected the idea of shedding or casting off the original quality of textiles to make cheaper products. By the late 1800s, shoddy-making became a major industry, with numerous factories throughout the United Kingdom and the United States. However, public outcry over the poor quality and deception of these products led to increased regulation and penalties for false advertising, effectively bringing an end to widespread shoddy-making practices. Today, the term "shoddy" is primarily used as a pejorative epithet to describe substandard or low-quality products, services, or work.


made or done badly and with not enough care

được thực hiện hoặc thực hiện một cách tồi tệ và không được chăm sóc đầy đủ

  • shoddy goods

    hàng kém chất lượng

  • shoddy workmanship

    tay nghề kém

Related words and phrases

dishonest or unfair

không trung thực hoặc không công bằng

  • shoddy treatment

    điều trị kém chất lượng