Definition of inferior


cấp thấp


The word "inferior" can be traced back to the Latin language, where it originated as "inferius" meaning "below" or "coming after." The prefix "in-" in this case, has the meaning of "not" or "un-," implying a lack or opposite. The word was adopted by Old French around the 13th century, where it took the form "infirus" and subsequently, in the Middle English period, it evolved into "inferiour." The original meaning of the word, in Latin as well as in its adopted forms, pertained to spatial or temporal relationships, such as being situated below or coming after other things. It was not used as a value judgement or to denote quality or worth until later in its usage history. In Classical Latin, "inferior" was specifically used to describe the subterranean regions and celestial bodies that appeared to be below or after other objects, such as the moon and the planets. In Early Modern English, the word started to take on more negative connotations, with "inferior" being applied to objects or individuals deemed less valuable, worthy, or capable than others. Today, the word "inferior" continues to be primarily used as a relative term to describe something with a lower worth, quality, or position compared to other things. While still carrying some stigma, its meaning has become more clear and straightforward than in its earlier forms, as its usage has become more standardized in English.


not good or not as good as somebody/something else

không tốt hoặc không tốt bằng ai/cái gì khác

  • of inferior quality

    có chất lượng kém hơn

  • inferior goods

    hàng kém chất lượng

  • to make somebody feel inferior

    làm cho ai đó cảm thấy thấp kém

  • Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.

    Âm nhạc hiện đại thường bị coi là thua kém so với quá khứ.

Extra examples:
  • Her obvious popularity made me feel inferior.

    Sự nổi tiếng rõ ràng của cô ấy khiến tôi cảm thấy thấp kém.

  • His later work was vastly inferior to his early work.

    Công việc sau này của ông kém hơn rất nhiều so với công việc ban đầu của ông.

  • These later paintings are slightly inferior in value.

    Những bức tranh sau này có giá trị kém hơn một chút.

  • Women are often regarded as inferior.

    Phụ nữ thường bị coi là thấp kém.

  • The cracks in the structure were due to the poor-quality materials and inferior workmanship.

    Các vết nứt trong kết cấu là do vật liệu kém chất lượng và tay nghề kém.

of lower rank; lower

có cấp bậc thấp hơn; thấp hơn

  • an inferior officer

    một sĩ quan cấp dưới

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