Definition of lodestar


ngôi sao dẫn đường


The word "lodestar" has a rich history. It originated in the 14th century from the Middle English words "hel deficit," which translates to "pillar of the sky." It referred to the North Star, also known as Polaris, which has been a navigational guide for centuries due to its relatively constant position in the sky near the North Pole. A lodestar was thus a guiding star that helped sailors and travelers find their way. Over time, the term evolved to describe a guiding principle, leader, or motivation, indicating someone or something that provides direction and inspiration. Today, a lodestar can be a person, idea, or concept that serves as a beacon, leading others through challenges and uncertainties.


the Pole Star (= a star that is used by sailors to guide a ship)

sao Bắc Đẩu (= một ngôi sao được thủy thủ sử dụng để dẫn đường cho tàu)

a person or principle that guides somebody’s behaviour or actions

một người hoặc nguyên tắc hướng dẫn hành vi hoặc hành động của ai đó