Definition of liberality


tự do


The origin of the word "liberality" can be traced back to the Latin word "liberalis," which means "related to freedom" or "generous." The concept of liberality, as a virtuous trait related to generosity and charitable actions, evolved during the Roman Empire, particularly among the aristocratic class. Wealthy Romans were encouraged to exhibit acts of liberality, including providing financial support for public works, sponsoring athletic contests, and distributing food and resources to the poor. This tradition of generosity was not merely a result of wealth, but rather a recognition of the duty of the wealthy to use their resources for the common good. The English word "liberality" was adopted in the 16th century, retaining the meaning of generosity, charity, and benevolence associated with the Latin origin. In modern times, liberality has been broadly interpreted as promoting social and economic freedom, through political and economic systems that foster equal opportunities and protections for all citizens.


respect for political, religious or moral views, even if you do not agree with them

tôn trọng quan điểm chính trị, tôn giáo hoặc đạo đức, ngay cả khi bạn không đồng ý với chúng

  • She is known for the liberality of her views.

    Cô được biết đến với sự phóng khoáng trong quan điểm của mình.

the quality of being generous

phẩm chất của sự hào phóng