Definition of justly


công bằng


The word "justly" has roots in the Latin word "iustus," meaning "just, right, lawful." It entered English through Old French "justement," and originally meant "in a just manner." The word "just" also derived from "iustus," reflecting its core meaning of fairness and righteousness. Over time, "justly" evolved to encompass concepts like fairness, righteousness, and legal rightfulness, all stemming from the foundational Latin root "iustus."


in a way that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable

theo cách mà hầu hết mọi người coi là công bằng và hợp lý về mặt đạo đức

  • to be treated justly

    được đối xử công bằng

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vì một mục đích tốt

  • to be justly proud of something

    tự hào về điều gì đó

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