Definition of invigorate


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The word "invigorate" derives from the Latin term "vigor," which means strength, vitality, or vigor. The word "invigorare," the past participle of the Latin verb "vigorare," originally meant "to renew strength" or "to make vigorous." During the Middle Ages, the French word "envigorer" came to be derived from the Latin "invigorare," and it too meant "to invigorate" or "to renew strength." Over time, this French word made its way into Old French, and eventually, it found its way into contemporary English. In the late 17th century, "invigorate" first appeared in the English language, and it originally referred to the act of vitalizing a dying person. Later on, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass the strengthening or refreshing of any living thing or entity. Today, "invigorate" is commonly used to describe the act of restoring energy, enthusiasm, or vitality to a person, place, or thing. It's often used in relation to activities or substances that are believed to reinvigorate, such as a brisk walk, a nutrient-rich juice, or a stimulating conversation. In summary, the word "invigorate" is derived from the Latin "vigor" and means "to renew strength" or "to make vigorous." It entered the English language via Old French during the Middle Ages and is now commonly used to describe activities, places, or things that help to refresh, invigorate, or reinvigorate.


to make somebody feel healthy and full of energy

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy khỏe mạnh và tràn đầy năng lượng

  • The cold water invigorated him.

    Nước lạnh tiếp thêm sinh lực cho anh.

  • They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk.

    Họ cảm thấy sảng khoái và tràn đầy sinh lực sau khi đi bộ.

to make a situation, an organization, etc. efficient and successful

để làm cho một tình huống, một tổ chức, vv hiệu quả và thành công

  • They are looking into ways of invigorating the department.

    Họ đang tìm cách tiếp thêm sinh lực cho bộ phận.