Definition of energize


tiếp sức


"Energize" traces its roots back to the Greek word "energeia," meaning "activity" or "work." This word was further developed into the Latin "energia," and then into the English "energy" in the 17th century. The suffix "-ize" was added to "energy" in the 19th century, creating "energize" to describe the act of "filling with energy" or "making active." So, the word essentially means "to make something work or operate."


to make somebody enthusiastic about something

làm cho ai đó nhiệt tình về điều gì đó

to give somebody more energy, strength, etc.

để cung cấp cho ai đó thêm năng lượng, sức mạnh, vv.

  • a refreshing and energizing fruit drink

    một thức uống trái cây tươi mát và tràn đầy năng lượng

to supply power or energy to a machine, an atom, etc.

để cung cấp năng lượng hoặc năng lượng cho máy, nguyên tử, v.v.

  • positively energized particles

    hạt mang năng lượng dương


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.