Definition of inseparable


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The English word "inseparable" derives from two Latin roots, "in-" and "separabilis." The prefix "in-" is the negative prefix meaning "not," while "separabilis" comes from "separabilis" itself, meaning "capable of being separated." The word "inseparable" entered the English language in the late 16th century, when it was first documented in written texts. Back then, the word was spelled "inseparably," with an "-ly" suffix at the end. This suffix is no longer used in modern English, but it serves as a reminder of the word's Latin roots. The use of "inseparable" has evolved over time. In its earliest definition, the word denoted an object that could not be physically separated. For example, an inseparable part of something could not be removed without damaging or altering the object. Over time, the meaning of "inseparable" has also come to describe relationships between people or things, implying a strong bond that cannot be easily broken. For example, friends who are inseparable are very close and spend a lot of time together. This meaning of the term is related to the sense of "indivisible" or "unable to be divided." In summary, the English word "inseparable" is derived from the Latin roots "in-" and "separabilis" and has evolved in meaning over time to describe an object or relationship that is intimately connected and cannot be easily separated. The word entered the English language in the late 16th century, and its Latin roots provide insight into its historical usage and connections to the wider linguistic network of English, Latin, and other related languages.


not able to be separated

không thể tách rời

  • Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.

    Vận may kinh tế của chúng ta không thể tách rời khỏi vận may của châu Âu.

if people are inseparable, they spend most of their time together and are very good friends

nếu mọi người không thể tách rời, họ dành phần lớn thời gian bên nhau và là những người bạn rất tốt

  • As children, Laura and I were inseparable.

    Khi còn nhỏ, Laura và tôi không thể tách rời.

  • George later became our inseparable companion.

    George sau này đã trở thành người bạn đồng hành không thể tách rời của chúng tôi.

  • The two brothers are almost inseparable.

    Hai anh em gần như không thể tách rời.