Definition of mutual


qua lại


The word "mutual" originates from the Old French word "mun" meaning "son" or "offspring." During the Middle Ages, when feudalism was prevalent, the lord's property was considered to be held in trust for his vassals, or tenants. The vassals, in turn, pledged their loyalty and military support to their lord. The relationship between the lord and vassal was originally called "munus," which emphasized the loyalties and obligations between the two parties. However, over time, this term evolved into "mutueulite" or "mutualite" in French, emphasizing the idea of reciprocal obligations between two equal parties. The concept of mutualism expanded beyond feudalism to encompass various relationships, such as marriages, business partnerships, and insurance associations. In insurance, mutual societies emerged in the early 18th century in which policyholders were also owners or members of the company. The term "mutual" then came to signify the idea that the members of a society or company would hold and manage it jointly as a mutual association. Today, the word "mutual" is commonly used in various aspects of society, such as mutual funds, mutual communication networks, mutual clubs, and so on, signifying an association in which all parties share in some mutual benefit, obligation, or responsibility.


used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally

dùng để mô tả tình cảm mà hai hoặc nhiều người dành cho nhau như nhau hoặc những hành động ảnh hưởng đến hai hoặc nhiều người như nhau

  • mutual respect/understanding

    tôn trọng/hiểu biết lẫn nhau

  • mutual support/aid

    hỗ trợ/hỗ trợ lẫn nhau

  • They parted by mutual consent.

    Họ chia tay theo sự đồng ý của nhau.

  • I don't like her, and I think the feeling is mutual (= she doesn't like me either).

    Tôi không thích cô ấy, và tôi nghĩ cảm giác đó là của nhau (= cô ấy cũng không thích tôi).

shared by two or more people

được chia sẻ bởi hai hoặc nhiều người

  • We met at the home of a mutual friend.

    Chúng tôi gặp nhau tại nhà của một người bạn chung.

  • They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.

    Họ sớm phát hiện ra mối quan tâm chung về âm nhạc.

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