Definition of cohesive


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The word "cohesive" has its roots in the 15th century Latin term "cohaesivus," which means "sticking together" or "united." This Latin term is derived from "cohaere," which means "to stick or adhere together." Over time, the word "cohesive" evolved to describe the quality of being united or sticking together, often in a physical sense. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the word was used to describe materials that retained their shape or structure due to the forces of cohesion, such as glue or resins. Today, the word "cohesive" is used in a broader sense to describe things that are united, integrated, or working together harmoniously, whether physically, emotionally, or ideologically.


forming a united whole

hình thành một thể thống nhất

  • a cohesive group

    một nhóm gắn kết

causing people or things to become united

khiến cho mọi người hoặc mọi vật trở nên thống nhất

  • the cohesive power of shared suffering

    sức mạnh gắn kết của nỗi đau chung

  • well-structured sentences illustrating the use of cohesive markers such as ‘nevertheless’ and ‘however’

    câu có cấu trúc tốt minh họa việc sử dụng các dấu hiệu gắn kết như 'dù sao' và 'tuy nhiên'