Definition of inquisitive


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The origin of the word "inquisitive" can be traced back to the 16th century when it was first used to describe the investigative procedures of the Spanish Inquisition. During this time, the Spanish monarchs established this legal institution to root out heresy and protect the Catholic faith. The word "inquisitive" derives from the Latin word "inquisitio," meaning "investigation" or "inquiry." Initially, this term was used in relation to the Spanish Inquisition's rigorous investigative methods. Eventually, it gained wider usage to denote any person with an intense desire to understand or seek out information. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to encompass a broader range of interpretations, including: curious, investigative, probing, or prying, depending on the context. In modern usage, the word "inquisitive" is generally applied to individuals who are intently curious and eager to explore the unknown, whether it's via discovery or questioning something that seems unfamiliar or puzzling. It often implies an intellectual or cognitive dimension to this curiosity, in contrast to mere idle curiosity. Thus, the term has come to signify a set of desirable qualities, namely, discerning, perceptive, analytical, and insightful.


asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people are doing, etc.

đặt quá nhiều câu hỏi và cố gắng tìm hiểu xem người khác đang làm gì, v.v.

  • Don't be so inquisitive. It's none of your business!

    Đừng tò mò thế. Không phải chuyện của bạn!

Extra examples:
  • We try not to be too inquisitive about what he's doing.

    Chúng tôi cố gắng không quá tò mò về những gì anh ấy đang làm.

  • His inquisitive nature finally got the better of him.

    Bản chất tò mò của anh ấy cuối cùng đã trở nên tốt hơn.

Related words and phrases

very interested in learning about many different things

rất thích tìm hiểu về nhiều thứ khác nhau

  • a highly inquisitive mind

    một tâm trí rất tò mò

  • The young man possessed a sharp and inquisitive mind.

    Chàng trai trẻ sở hữu một đầu óc nhạy bén và ham học hỏi.

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