Definition of enquiring




"Enquiring" traces its roots back to the Old French word "enquerir," meaning "to inquire." This word itself descends from the Latin "inquirere," meaning "to seek out," which is formed from the prefix "in-" (into) and the verb "quirere" (to seek). Over time, "enquerir" evolved into "enquérir" in Middle French, and eventually "enquire" in English. The "-ing" suffix, added to the verb, transforms it into a present participle, indicating an action in progress, hence "enquiring" signifies "asking questions" or "seeking information."


showing an interest in learning new things

thể hiện sự quan tâm đến việc học những điều mới

  • a child with an enquiring mind

    một đứa trẻ có đầu óc ham học hỏi

asking for information

hỏi thông tin

  • an enquiring look

    một cái nhìn dò hỏi

  • He raised an enquiring eyebrow in my direction.

    Anh nhướng mày dò hỏi về phía tôi.