Definition of hunk


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The origin of the word "hunk" can be traced back to the late 19th century, where it was originally used to describe a large piece of food, typically meat. This usage is believed to have originated from the Old English word "hunge," meaning "hunger." The word "hunk" likely gained popularity because it was a convenient and descriptive term for describing large cuts of meat, which were commonly sold at butcher's shops during that time. It was also a way of indicating the size and weight of the food, making it easier for customers to purchase the exact amount they needed. As the usage of the word "hunk" for food became more established, it also began to be used more broadly to describe other substantial and noteworthy objects, such as large chunks of coal or firewood, and ultimately, people who were strong, attractive, and engaging. The use of "hunk" to describe an attractive man or woman emerged in the early 1900s, most likely influenced by the popularization of the phrase "hunky dory" in the late 1800s, which meant "very good indeed" and was often used to describe people's personal and professional accomplishments. Thus, in modern usage, "hunk" is primarily used as an adjective to describe an attractive and appealing person of either sex, typically with a focus on their physical appearance, strength, and confidence.


a large piece of something, especially food, that has been cut or broken from a larger piece

một miếng lớn của một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là thực phẩm, đã bị cắt hoặc vỡ từ một miếng lớn hơn

  • a hunk of bread/cheese/meat

    một khúc bánh mì/phô mai/thịt

a man who is big, strong and sexually attractive

một người đàn ông to lớn, khỏe mạnh và hấp dẫn về mặt tình dục

  • He's a real hunk.

    Anh ấy là một người đàn ông thực sự.