Definition of how


thế nào, như thế nào, làm sao, ra sao


Definition of undefined

The word "how" has a fascinating history. The earliest recorded use of "how" dates back to around 700-650 BCE in Old English, where it was written as "hƿe" or "hū". It's believed to have originated from the Proto-Germanic word "*hwi", which was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*kʷi", meaning "who" or "which". In Old English, "how" was used as a question word to ask about manner or means, as in "How doth thou stand?" or "How far may I go?" Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of "how" evolved, and it became the modern word we know today. The word "how" has expanded in meaning to include phrases like "how are you?" or "how much?", and it's now a fundamental part of many languages.


in what way or manner

theo cách nào hoặc cách nào

  • How does it work?

    Làm thế nào nó hoạt động?

  • He did not know how he ought to behave.

    Anh không biết mình nên cư xử như thế nào.

  • I'll show you how to load the software.

    Mình sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách tải phần mềm.

  • ‘Her behaviour was very odd.’ ‘How so?’

    ‘Hành vi của cô ấy rất kỳ quặc.’ ‘Sao vậy?’

  • It's funny how (= that) people always remember him.

    Thật buồn cười là (= điều đó) mọi người luôn nhớ đến anh ấy.

  • Do you remember how (= that) the kids always loved going there?

    Bạn có nhớ (= điều đó) bọn trẻ luôn thích đến đó không?

  • How ever did you get here so quickly?

    Sao cậu lại đến đây nhanh thế?

Related words and phrases

used to ask about somebody’s health or how well things are going for them

dùng để hỏi về sức khỏe của ai đó hoặc mọi việc đang diễn ra tốt đẹp như thế nào đối với họ

  • How are you?

    Bạn có khỏe không?

  • How are you feeling now?

    Làm thế nào bạn cảm thấy bây giờ?

  • Hey, how are you doing?

    Ê, bạn khỏe không?

used to ask whether something is successful or fun

dùng để hỏi xem việc gì đó thành công hay vui vẻ

  • How was your trip?

    Chuyến đi của bạn như thế nào?

  • How did they play?

    Họ đã chơi như thế nào?

used before an adjective or adverb to ask about the amount, degree, etc. of something, or about somebody’s age

dùng trước tính từ hoặc trạng từ để hỏi về số lượng, mức độ, v.v. của cái gì đó, hoặc về tuổi của ai đó

  • How often do you go swimming?

    Bạn có thường xuyên đi bơi không?

  • I didn't know how much to bring.

    Tôi không biết phải mang theo bao nhiêu.

  • How much are those earrings (= What do they cost)?

    Những chiếc khuyên tai đó giá bao nhiêu (= Chúng giá bao nhiêu)?

  • How many people were there?

    Có bao nhiêu người ở đó?

  • How old is she?

    Cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi?

used to express surprise, pleasure, etc.

dùng để thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên, vui mừng, v.v.

  • How kind of you to help!

    Bạn thật tốt bụng khi giúp đỡ!

  • How he wished he had been there!

    Anh ước gì mình đã ở đó biết bao!

in any way in which

bằng bất kỳ cách nào trong đó

  • I'll dress how I like in my own house!

    Tôi sẽ ăn mặc theo cách tôi thích trong chính ngôi nhà của mình!

Related words and phrases


how about…?
used when asking for information about somebody/something
  • I'm not going. How about you?
  • (especially North American English)used to make a suggestion
  • How about a break?
  • How about going for a meal?
  • How about we go for a meal?
  • how can/could you!
    (informal)used to show that you think somebody’s behaviour is very bad or are very surprised by it
  • Ben! How could you? After all they've done for us!
  • Ugh! How can you eat that stuff?
  • how come (…)?
    used to say you do not understand how something can happen and would like an explanation
  • ‘I think you owe me some money.’ ‘How come?’
  • If she spent five years in Paris, how come her French is so bad?
  • how do you do
    (old-fashioned)used as a formal greeting when you meet somebody for the first time. The usual reply is also How do you do?
    how’s that?
    used to ask the reason for something
  • ‘I left work early today.’ ‘How's that (= Why)?’
  • used when asking somebody’s opinion of something
  • I'll tuck your sheets in for you. How's that? Comfortable?
  • Two o'clock on the dot! How's that for punctuality!