Definition of hairy


có lông


The word "hairy" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the Old English word "heorīg," which means "full of hair" or "hairy." This is likely derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*gēraz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "hair." In Old English, the word "heorīg" was used to describe something that had a lot of hair, such as a hairy animal or a hairy person. Over time, the meaning of "hairy" expanded to include other uses, such as describing a situation that is complicated or difficult, like trying to untangle a large knot. For example, "I'm having a hairy day" might mean that you're feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope. Today, "hairy" is a versatile word that can be used in many different contexts, from describing physical characteristics to expressing frustration or anxiety. Despite its literal origins, the word has taken on a broader range of meanings over time!


covered with a lot of hair

được bao phủ bởi rất nhiều lông

  • a hairy chest/monster

    một con quái vật/rương lông

  • The plant's rough, hairy stems can grow up to 6 feet tall.

    Thân cây xù xì, nhiều lông của cây có thể cao tới 6 feet.

  • It was a great hairy caterpillar.

    Đó là một con sâu bướm lớn có nhiều lông.

dangerous or frightening but often exciting

nguy hiểm hoặc đáng sợ nhưng thường thú vị

  • Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy.

    Lái xe trên đường băng có thể khá nguy hiểm.

  • a hairy experience

    một trải nghiệm đầy lông lá

  • It was all pretty hairy, I can tell you.

    Tôi có thể nói với bạn rằng mọi chuyện đều khá rắc rối.


a whole 'nother…
(US English, non-standard)a completely different thing
  • Now that's a whole 'nother question.