Definition of gloomily


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"Gloomily" traces its roots back to the Old English word "glom," meaning "twilight" or "darkness." Over time, "glom" evolved into "gloom," taking on the figurative sense of sadness and depression. The suffix "-ly" was added to "gloom" in the 14th century, creating "gloomily," which describes something done or characterized by gloom, hence the sorrowful or depressing manner. So, "gloomily" essentially means "in a manner of darkness and sadness."


in a way that is sad and without hope

một cách buồn bã và không có hy vọng

  • He stared gloomily at the phone.

    Anh buồn bã nhìn chằm chằm vào chiếc điện thoại.

  • Iris lay gloomily on her bed contemplating the future.

    Iris nằm ủ rũ trên giường suy ngẫm về tương lai.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad

theo cách gần như tối, hoặc thiếu sáng theo cách khiến bạn cảm thấy buồn

  • gloomily lit

    thắp sáng một cách u ám