Definition of downcast


hạ cấp


The word "downcast" originated from the combination of two Old English words: "dūn" meaning "down" and "cēast" meaning "cast" or "thrown." Initially, it referred to a physical act of lowering something or being lowered, like a gaze or a head. Over time, the word evolved to describe a state of dejection or sadness, with the imagery of being "cast down" reflecting a depressed emotional state. The earliest recorded usage of "downcast" dates back to the 14th century. Its dual meaning of both physical and emotional lowering has persisted to this day, making it a versatile and expressive word in the English language.


looking down

nhìn xuống

  • Eyes downcast, she continued eating.

    Đôi mắt cụp xuống, cô tiếp tục ăn.

  • She kept her eyes slightly downcast to avoid looking into their faces.

    Cô hơi cúi mắt xuống để tránh nhìn vào mặt họ.

sad or depressed

buồn hay chán nản

  • A group of downcast men stood waiting for food.

    Một nhóm người đàn ông ủ rũ đứng đợi đồ ăn.

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