Definition of bleakly


ảm đạm


The adverb "bleakly" has its roots in Old English. The adjective "bleak" comes from the Old English word "blac", which meant "to fade" or "to grow pale". This sense of pale or faded was later extended to describe a place as desolate or uncultivated. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500 AD), the related word "bleake" emerged, meaning "pale" or "wan". The adverb "bleakly" is a combination of the adjective "bleak" and the suffix "-ly", which forms an adverb. "Bleakly" likely emerged in the 17th or 18th century, and has been used since then to describe something that is done in a desolate, dismal, or unforgiving manner.


in a way does not give any reason to have hope or expect anything good

theo một cách nào đó không đưa ra bất kỳ lý do nào để hy vọng hoặc mong đợi bất cứ điều gì tốt đẹp

  • ‘There seems no hope,’ she said bleakly.

    "Có vẻ như không còn hy vọng nữa", cô nói một cách ảm đạm.

in a way that is exposed, empty, or with no pleasant features

theo cách bị phơi bày, trống rỗng hoặc không có nét gì dễ chịu

  • bleakly lit corridors

    hành lang sáng tối

  • It was a bleakly impressive coastline.

    Đó là một bờ biển ảm đạm nhưng ấn tượng.