Definition of galvanize


mạ kẽm


The word "galvanize" originated from the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, who lived in the 18th century. Galvani discovered that when two different metals, such as copper and zinc, were connected by a wet cord and an animal was placed on the metals, the animal's muscles would contract. This discovery led to the development of the first battery. The term "galvanize" was coined from Galvani's name and refers to the process of inducing electricity through the use of different metals, similar to Galvani's original experiment. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of shocking or startling someone into action, as if "galvanizing" them like a battery. Today, the word is often used metaphorically to describe something that stimulates or motivates someone to take action.


to make somebody take action by shocking them or by making them excited

làm cho ai đó hành động bằng cách gây sốc cho họ hoặc làm cho họ phấn khích

  • The win galvanized the whole team.

    Chiến thắng đã khích lệ toàn đội.

  • The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.

    Sự khẩn cấp trong giọng nói của anh đã thôi thúc họ hành động.

  • We need new approaches that will galvanize the industry to deal with its problems.

    Chúng ta cần những cách tiếp cận mới có thể thúc đẩy ngành giải quyết các vấn đề của nó.

to cover metal with zinc in order to protect it from rust

phủ kẽm lên kim loại để bảo vệ kim loại khỏi rỉ sét

  • a galvanized bucket

    một cái xô mạ kẽm

  • galvanized steel

    thép mạ kẽm