Definition of electrify


Điện khí hóa


The word "electrify" comes from the combination of the words "electric" and "ify," which means "to make electric" or "to charge with electricity." In English, the word "electric" was derived from the Greek word "elektron," which means "amber" or "non-metallic," and the word "ify" was derived from the Latin verb "facere," which means "to make" or "to do." In English, the word "electrify" was derived from the combination of the words "electric" and "ify." Over time, the meaning of "electrify" evolved to include any process of charging something with electricity, especially when it is not expected, particularly in the context of science or technology matters. It came to describe any process of charging something with electricity in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of science or technology matters. Today, "electrify" is still used to describe any process of charging something with electricity, especially when it is not expected, particularly in the context of science or technology matters. In summary, the word "electrify" originated in English from the combination of the words "electric" and "ify." Its original meaning referred to the process of charging something with electricity, but its meaning has since remained consistent to describe any process of charging something with electricity, especially when it is not expected, particularly in the context of science or technology matters.


to make something work by using electricity; to pass an electrical current through something

làm cho cái gì đó hoạt động được bằng cách sử dụng điện; truyền một dòng điện qua cái gì đó

  • The railway line was electrified in the 1950s.

    Tuyến đường sắt được điện khí hóa vào những năm 1950.

  • He had all the fences around his home electrified.

    Anh ta đã điện hóa tất cả hàng rào xung quanh nhà mình.

to make somebody feel very excited and enthusiastic about something

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy rất phấn khích và nhiệt tình về điều gì đó

  • Her performance electrified the audience.

    Màn trình diễn của cô đã khiến khán giả phấn khích.