Definition of rouse


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The verb "rouse" has a fascinating etymology! The word's origin dates back to the 14th century, likely derived from the Old French word "rousier," which means "to stir up" or "to awaken." This Old French term is likely derived from the Latin word "rumpere," meaning "to break" or "to stir up." In Middle English, "rouse" meant "to stir up" or "to awaken" as well, often used in the context of stirring someone's emotions, such as "rouse up" (to awaken) or "rouse with" (to stir up). Over time, the meaning of "rouse" expanded to include intensifying or stirring up strong emotions, such as excitement, anger, or passion. Today, we use "rouse" to describe actions that awaken or inspire strong feelings in others. Would you like to know more about word origins or is there something else I can help you with?


to wake somebody up, especially when they are sleeping deeply

đánh thức ai đó dậy, đặc biệt là khi họ đang ngủ sâu

  • The telephone roused me from my sleep at 6  a.m.

    Chiếc điện thoại đánh thức tôi khỏi giấc ngủ lúc 6 giờ sáng.

  • He came to the door, evidently just roused from his bed.

    Anh ta bước tới cửa, rõ ràng là vừa mới thức dậy khỏi giường.

  • Nicky roused her with a gentle nudge.

    Nicky đánh thức cô bằng một cú huých nhẹ nhàng.

Extra examples:
  • I was roused from a deep sleep by a hand on my shoulder.

    Tôi bị đánh thức khỏi giấc ngủ sâu bởi một bàn tay đặt lên vai tôi.

  • We tried in vain to rouse him.

    Chúng tôi đã cố gắng vô ích để đánh thức anh ấy.

Related words and phrases

to make somebody want to start doing something when they were not active or interested in doing it

làm cho ai đó muốn bắt đầu làm việc gì đó khi họ không tích cực hoặc không hứng thú làm việc đó

  • A lot of people were roused to action by the appeal.

    Rất nhiều người đã được khuyến khích hành động bởi lời kêu gọi.

  • Richard couldn't rouse himself to say anything in reply.

    Richard không thể tự mình nói bất cứ điều gì để đáp lại.

  • We finally managed to rouse her from her lethargy.

    Cuối cùng chúng tôi cũng đã đánh thức được cô ấy khỏi trạng thái hôn mê.

to make somebody feel a particular emotion

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy một cảm xúc cụ thể

  • to rouse somebody’s anger

    khơi dậy sự tức giận của ai đó

  • What roused your suspicions (= what made you suspicious)?

    Điều gì làm bạn nghi ngờ (= điều gì khiến bạn nghi ngờ)?

  • She ran forward, roused to anger.

    Cô chạy về phía trước, nổi giận.

to make somebody angry, excited or full of emotion

làm cho ai đó tức giận, phấn khích hoặc đầy cảm xúc

  • Chris is not easily roused.

    Chris không dễ bị kích động.

  • When roused, he has a cruel tongue.

    Khi bị kích động, anh ta có cái lưỡi độc ác.


the clock is ticking (down)
used to say that there's not much time left before something happens
  • The clock is ticking down to midnight on New Year’s Eve.
  • The clock is ticking for one mystery lottery winner who has less than 24 hours to claim a £64 million prize.
  • tick all the/somebody’s boxes
    (British English, informal)to do exactly the right things to please somebody
  • This is a movie that ticks all the boxes.
  • The house we would like to buy ticks all our boxes.
  • what makes somebody tick
    what makes somebody behave in the way that they do
  • I've never really understood what makes her tick.