Definition of flying


biết bay, sự bay, chuyến bay


Definition of undefined

The word "flying" originates from the Old English word "fleogan," meaning "to fly." This word, in turn, comes from the Proto-Germanic word "fliugan," which also meant "to fly." "Fliegan" is related to the Proto-Indo-European word "pleuk-," meaning "to fly." This connection highlights the shared ancestry of many languages, including English, German, and Sanskrit, with words for "flying" that ultimately trace back to a common ancestor.


able to fly

cho phép bay

  • flying insects

    côn trùng bay

moving rapidly through the air

di chuyển nhanh chóng trong không khí

  • One passenger was cut by flying glass.

    Một hành khách bị kính bay chém trúng.

  • Flying debris can cause serious injury.

    Các mảnh vụn bay có thể gây thương tích nghiêm trọng.


with flying colours
very well; with a very high mark
  • She passed the exam with flying colours.