Definition of fledgling


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The term "fledgling" refers to a young bird that has left the nest but is still in the process of learning to fly and become independent. The exact origin of the word is debated, as it appears to have different roots in different languages. In English, the word "fledgling" is believed to have come from the Old English word "fledge," which meant "to help, to aid." Specifically, it was used to describe the process of helping a bird to fly by clipping its wings or teaching it to fly. In this sense, a fledgling might be seen as a young bird that is still being aided by its parents as it learns to fly. In other languages, the word "fledgling" appears to have its roots in similar concepts. For example, in Latin, the related word "falcatus" meant "fledged" and likely came from the same Old English root. In Dutch, the related word "vrijgemaakt" (meaning "fledged") is derived from the verb "gemaakt," which means "made." It's possible that the English word "fledgling" evolved as a similar compound word. Regardless of its origins, the word "fledgling" conveys a sense of immaturity and vulnerability, as well as the idea of learning and growth. As a young bird gains confidence and proficiency in the air, it will eventually shed its fledgling status and become a more independent bird of prey.


a young bird that has just learnt to fly

một con chim non vừa mới học bay

a person, an organization or a system that is new and without experience

một người, một tổ chức hoặc một hệ thống mới và chưa có kinh nghiệm

  • fledgling democracies

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