Definition of immature


chưa trưởng thành


The word "immature" has its roots in Latin. The Latin prefix "im-" means "not" or "opposite of," and the word "maturus" means "ripe" or "mature." So, "immaturus" literally means "not ripe" or "unripe." In English, the word "immature" emerged in the 15th century to describe something that is not yet fully developed, such as a plant or an idea. Over time, the meaning expanded to include human beings, describing someone who lacks emotional maturity, responsibility, or maturity. Today, the word is commonly used to describe behaviors, attitudes, or decisions that are characteristic of someone who is not yet fully developed or who lacks emotional maturity. Despite its negative connotation, the word helps us acknowledge the need for growth and development in our personal and social lives.


behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger

cư xử thiếu hợp lý và là điển hình của những người trẻ hơn nhiều

  • immature behaviour

    hành vi non nớt

Extra examples:
  • Although she was older than her husband, she was emotionally quite immature.

    Dù lớn tuổi hơn chồng nhưng cô lại khá non nớt về mặt tình cảm.

  • He displays very immature behaviour for a boy of 16, running about the classroom and yelling.

    Anh ta thể hiện những hành vi rất non nớt so với một cậu bé 16 tuổi, chạy quanh lớp và la hét.

  • Oh, don't be so immature.

    Ôi, đừng non nớt thế.

not fully developed or grown

chưa phát triển hoặc trưởng thành đầy đủ

  • immature plants

    cây non

  • The immature birds have shorter tails and brown, speckled plumage.

    Những con chim chưa trưởng thành có đuôi ngắn hơn và bộ lông lốm đốm màu nâu.

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