Definition of neophyte


người mới theo đạo


The word "neophyte" derives from Greek and literally translates to "new plant" or "new growth." In ancient Greek initiatory cults, this term was used to describe new converts or recent initiates into a religious or philosophical community, who were seen as fresh, untested, and inexperienced. In Christianity, the term "neophyte" is still used to describe newly baptized or converted believers, highlighting their lack of familiarity with the faith and the need for nurturing and guidance as they grow and develop in their spiritual journey. The word evolved from its original agricultural meaning, as the process of converting newcomers to the faith was seen as tending to and nurturing a spiritual seed, with the hope that it would grow into a mature and thriving plant of faith over time.


a person who has recently started an activity

một người gần đây đã bắt đầu một hoạt động

  • The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts.

    Trang web mang đến cho người mới học cơ hội học hỏi từ các chuyên gia.

a person who has recently changed to a new religion

một người gần đây đã thay đổi sang một tôn giáo mới

a person who has recently become a priest or recently entered a religious order

một người vừa mới trở thành linh mục hoặc vừa mới gia nhập một dòng tu