Definition of family tree

family treenoun

sơ đồ phả hệ, gia phả

/ˌfam(ɪ)lɪ ˈtriː//ˌfaməlɪ ˈtriː/

Definition of undefined

The term "family tree" originates from the visual representation of family relationships. Early genealogists used actual trees to depict lineage, with branches representing descendants. The branches extended upwards, symbolizing the progression of generations. This practice led to the metaphorical use of "tree" to describe a family's ancestry, with roots symbolizing their origin and branches representing their descendants. The phrase became common in the 17th century, solidifying its connection to family genealogy.


a diagram showing the relationship between people in several generations of a family.

một sơ đồ thể hiện mối quan hệ giữa những người trong một gia đình nhiều thế hệ.