Definition of genealogy


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The word "genealogy" derives from the Greek word γενεαλογία (genealogia), consisting of two roots: "genos" (γένος) meaning "race," "family," or "kind," and "logos" (λόγος) meaning "word" or "study." In ancient Greece, "genealogy" referred to the study or record of family lineages, particularly those of the ruling class and prominent families. The term gained popularity during the Renaissance, as scholars in Europe began to take a renewed interest in classical Greek learning. Today, "genealogy" refers to the scholarly and genealogical pursuit of tracing family lineage, ancestry, and descent over multiple generations. It often includes the use of various records, documents, and sequences of genetic traits to reconstruct familial connections and relationships. Thus, the word "genealogy" continues to reflect the double meaning of its Greek origins, as it connotes both the study of family history and the tracing of ancestral roots.


the study of family history, including the study of who the ancestors of a particular person were

nghiên cứu về lịch sử gia đình, bao gồm cả nghiên cứu về tổ tiên của một người cụ thể

a particular person’s line of ancestors; a diagram that shows this

dòng dõi tổ tiên của một người cụ thể; một sơ đồ cho thấy điều này