Definition of extraction


khai thác


The term "extraction" can be traced back to the mid-17th century, where it was used in the context of mining. In this context, "extraction" referred to the process of removing valuable resources, such as metals, gems, or minerals, from their natural settings. The definition of extraction gradually expanded to include other industries, such as agriculture and pharmacy. In agriculture, extraction refers to the process of separating a desired component from a raw material, often through refining or purifying methods. For example, the extraction of oil from seeds or nuts, or the extraction of sugar from sugarcane or sugar beets. In pharmacy, extraction refers to the separation and isolation of a chemical compound from a natural source, such as a plant or animal tissue. This process involves the use of solvents, often under high pressure and temperature, to dissolve the desired compound and separate it from other components in the source material. Once extracted, the compound can be further refined and purified to create a pharmaceutical product. Overall, the meaning of "extraction" has evolved over time to encompass a variety of processes and industries, but at its core, the term still refers to the separation, isolation, or removal of a desirable component from a larger whole.


the act or process of removing or obtaining something from something else

hành động hoặc quá trình loại bỏ hoặc lấy thứ gì đó từ thứ khác

  • oil/mineral/coal, etc. extraction

    khai thác dầu/khoáng sản/than, v.v.

  • the extraction of salt from the sea

    khai thác muối từ biển

  • Commercial peat extraction is destroying many threatened habitats.

    Khai thác than bùn thương mại đang phá hủy nhiều môi trường sống bị đe dọa

  • Methods of extraction vary from mine to mine.

    Phương pháp khai thác khác nhau tùy theo từng mỏ.

having a particular family origin

có nguồn gốc gia đình cụ thể

  • an American of Hungarian extraction

    một người Mỹ gốc Hungary

  • a young American lawyer of Irish extraction

    một luật sư trẻ người Mỹ gốc Ireland

the process of removing a tooth

quá trình loại bỏ một chiếc răng

  • I didn’t like having my teeth drilled but extractions were infinitely worse.

    Tôi không thích khoan răng nhưng việc nhổ răng còn tệ hơn nhiều.