Definition of derivation


nguồn gốc


The word "derivation" has its roots in Latin, where it is derived from the words "derivare" and "derivatio." "Derivare" means "to turn aside" or "to redirect," and "derivatio" means "to draw off" or "to derive." In English, the word "derivation" first appeared in the 15th century and was used to refer to the process of derived or coming from something else, such as a source or an original. Over time, the meaning of "derivation" expanded to include the idea of something being developed or formulated from something else, such as a mathematical formula or a linguistic rule. In a broader sense, "derivation" can refer to the process of tracing the origin or history of something, whether it be a word, a concept, or an idea.


the origin or development of something, especially a word

nguồn gốc hoặc sự phát triển của một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là một từ

  • a word of Greek derivation

    một từ có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Hy Lạp

the action of obtaining something from a source or origin

hành động lấy thứ gì đó từ một nguồn hoặc nguồn gốc

  • the derivation of scientific laws from observation

    sự rút ra các định luật khoa học từ quan sát