Definition of enclose


Bao quanh


The word "enclose" is derived from the Latin words "in" meaning "in" or "into" and "clausa" meaning "closure" or "enclosure." In medieval times, the term "enclose" was used to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure. In medieval times, the term "enclose" was used to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure. The Latin prefix "in" was used to indicate that something was being enclosed or taken into something else, while the Latin noun "clausa" was used to indicate that something was being enclosed within a boundary or a closure. In the English language, the word "enclose" first appeared in the late 14th century, where it was used to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure. The word has since been used in various contexts, including law and geography, to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure. In law and geography, the word "enclose" is used to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure. In law, the term "enclose" is used to describe the process of surrounding a piece of land with a boundary, while in geography, the term "enclose" is used to describe the process of surrounding a body of water with a boundary. In summary, the word "enclose" is derived from the Latin words "in" meaning "in" or "into" and "clausa" meaning "closure" or "enclosure." The word has since been used in various contexts, including law and geography, to describe the process of enclosing something within a boundary or a closure.


to build a wall, fence, etc. around something

xây dựng một bức tường, hàng rào, vv xung quanh một cái gì đó

  • The yard had been enclosed with iron railings.

    Sân đã được bao bọc bằng lan can sắt.

  • All translated words should be enclosed in brackets.

    Tất cả các từ được dịch phải được đặt trong dấu ngoặc đơn.

Extra examples:
  • The ring is enclosed in a plastic case.

    Chiếc nhẫn được đặt trong một hộp nhựa.

  • The garden was enclosed by a tall, black wooden fence.

    Khu vườn được bao bọc bởi một hàng rào gỗ cao và màu đen.

to surround something

bao quanh cái gì đó

  • Low hedges enclosed the flower beds.

    Những hàng rào thấp bao quanh những luống hoa.

  • She felt his arms enclose her.

    Cô cảm thấy vòng tay anh bao bọc cô.

to build a wall or fence around common (= public) land and make it private property

xây dựng một bức tường hoặc hàng rào xung quanh đất chung (= công cộng) và biến nó thành tài sản riêng

  • The land was enclosed in the seventeenth century.

    Vùng đất được bao bọc vào thế kỷ XVII.

to put something in the same envelope, package, etc. as something else

đặt cái gì đó vào cùng một phong bì, gói hàng, v.v. như một cái gì đó khác

  • Please return the completed form, enclosing a recent photograph.

    Vui lòng gửi lại mẫu đã điền đầy đủ, kèm theo một bức ảnh gần đây.