Definition of hedge


hàng rào


The origin of the word "hedge" can be traced back to the Old English word "hæg," which meant "ankle" or "anklet." This is believed to be because the original function of a hedge was not to enclose fields, but to mark out the territory where people were buried and to prevent people from accidentally stepping on graves. As settlements grew, the function of hedges changed, and they were used to enclose fields and keep livestock in or out. The word "hæg" came to be associated more with this new function, and its meaning evolved over time to become "a row of posts or stakes binding together bushes or other plants for the purpose of enclosure or defence." Over time, "hæg" developed into the Middle English "hege," which retained much of the same meaning. The modern English word "hedge" descends from this Middle English form. While its meaning has remained mostly unchanged over the centuries, "hedge" has come to refer not just to a physical barrier, but also to a way of thinking, as in "hedging one's bets" or "hedging one's statements."


a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edge of a field, garden or road

một hàng bụi cây hoặc cây nhỏ trồng gần nhau, thường dọc theo bờ ruộng, vườn hoặc đường

  • a privet hedge

    hàng rào cây thủy lạp

Extra examples:
  • Establish which boundary hedges are yours, and which belong to a neighbour.

    Xác định hàng rào ranh giới nào là của bạn và hàng rào nào thuộc về hàng xóm.

  • Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings.

    Cắt tỉa hàng rào và thu gom phần cắt tỉa.

  • a thick hawthorn hedge

    một hàng rào táo gai dày

a way of protecting yourself against the loss of something, especially money

một cách để tự bảo vệ mình trước sự mất mát của một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là tiền

  • I bought gold as a hedge against inflation.

    Tôi mua vàng để phòng ngừa lạm phát.