Definition of eatable


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The word "eatable" has its roots in the Old English language, where it was spelled grene and meant "green" or "fresh." However, by the Middle English period (1100-1500 AD), the word had acquired a new meaning: edible. The origins of this new meaning are unclear, as there is no direct link to any Old English word with the meaning "edible." The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) theorizes that the word may have evolved from a proto-Germanic root meaning "sweet," as many ancient cultures associated sweetness with food that was good to eat. Another possibility is that the word "eatable" derives from the Old English word etan, meaning "to eat." If so, "eatable" may simply be a derivative of this root, denoting something that is fit to be consumed. Regardless of its origins, the word "eatable" has remained in use for hundreds of years, and its meaning has remained largely unchanged. Today, it is defined by the OED as "suitable to be eaten," and is often used in combination with other words to describe specific types of food, such as "eatable sweets" or "eatable berries." In summary, the origin of the word "eatable" is somewhat mysterious, but it likely has roots in either the Old English word grene or the verb etan. Over time, its meaning has evolved to reflect the current understanding of what is "fit to be eaten."

  • The picnic basket was filled with a variety of eatables like sandwiches, fruits, and snacks.

    Giỏ đựng đồ ăn dã ngoại chứa nhiều loại đồ ăn như bánh sandwich, trái cây và đồ ăn nhẹ.

  • The buffet had an array of eatables that catered to all dietary requirements.

    Bữa tiệc buffet có nhiều món ăn đáp ứng mọi yêu cầu ăn kiêng.

  • The hotel's restaurant offered a wide range of eatables from different cuisines around the world.

    Nhà hàng của khách sạn cung cấp nhiều món ăn từ nhiều nền ẩm thực khác nhau trên thế giới.

  • The food at the street food stall looked so appealing and eatable that we couldn't resist trying everything.

    Đồ ăn ở quầy hàng rong trông hấp dẫn và ngon đến nỗi chúng tôi không thể cưỡng lại việc thử tất cả.

  • The canteen at the office offered a selection of eatables that were both healthy and delicious.

    Căn tin tại văn phòng cung cấp nhiều loại đồ ăn vừa ngon vừa tốt cho sức khỏe.

  • The chef recommended some eatables that weren't on the menu, but we were more than happy to try them out.

    Đầu bếp giới thiệu một số món ăn không có trong thực đơn, nhưng chúng tôi rất vui khi được thử chúng.

  • The restaurant's speciality was their eatables that were a fusion of Indian and Chinese cuisine.

    Món ăn đặc biệt của nhà hàng là sự kết hợp giữa ẩm thực Ấn Độ và Trung Hoa.

  • The market had vendors selling an array of fresh and eatable fruits and vegetables.

    Chợ có nhiều người bán đủ loại trái cây và rau quả tươi và ăn được.

  • The supermarket offered a selection of eatables that catered to special dietary needs like gluten-free or vegan.

    Siêu thị cung cấp nhiều loại thực phẩm đáp ứng nhu cầu ăn kiêng đặc biệt như không chứa gluten hoặc thuần chay.

  • The famished travelers stopped at a roadside eatery that served some delicious and eatable local delicacies.

    Những lữ khách đói bụng dừng lại ở một quán ăn ven đường phục vụ một số món ăn địa phương ngon miệng và dễ ăn.