Definition of poultry


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The word "poultry" has a fascinating history! The term originated from the Latin word "pipilarium," meaning "young chickens," which was derived from "pipilus," meaning "chick." Over time, the spelling evolved into "poultry." In Old French, the word "pouletrie" referred to a yard where birds were reared, and this term was later adapted into Middle English as "poultry." By the 14th century, the word had taken on its modern meaning, encompassing not just chickens but also domesticated birds like ducks, geese, turkeys, and other game birds. Today, the word "poultry" is widely used in agriculture, commerce, and cooking to refer to these domesticated birds, and their products like eggs, meat, and feathers.


chickens, ducks and geese, kept for their meat or eggs

gà, vịt và ngỗng, được nuôi để lấy thịt hoặc trứng

  • to keep poultry

    để nuôi gia cầm

  • poultry farming

    chăn nuôi gia cầm

  • He rears rabbits and poultry in the garden.

    Ông nuôi thỏ và gia cầm trong vườn.

meat from chickens, ducks and geese

thịt gà, vịt và ngỗng

  • Eat plenty of fish and poultry.

    Ăn nhiều cá và gia cầm.

  • a wine that goes well with fish and poultry dishes

    một loại rượu vang phù hợp với các món cá và gia cầm