Definition of bread


bánh mỳ


Definition of undefined

The Latin word "panis" (bread) was borrowed from Greek and eventually made its way into Old French as "pain," which became the modern English word "bread." Over time, other languages also developed their own words for bread, often derived from the same ancient roots. So, the next time you slice into a fresh loaf, remember the rich history behind the humble word "bread"!


a type of food made from flour, water and usually yeast mixed together and baked

một loại thực phẩm làm từ bột mì, nước và thường là men trộn với nhau rồi nướng

  • a loaf/slice/piece of bread

    một ổ bánh mì/lát/miếng bánh mì

  • white/brown/wholemeal bread

    bánh mì trắng/nâu/nguyên hạt

  • the smell of freshly baked bread

    mùi bánh mì mới nướng

  • a plate of bread and butter

    một đĩa bánh mì và bơ

Extra examples:
  • He had to live on bread and water for two weeks.

    Anh ta phải sống bằng bánh mì và nước trong hai tuần.

  • She tore off a large hunk of bread.

    Cô ấy xé một miếng bánh mì lớn.

  • This bread is going stale.

    Bánh mì này sắp ôi thiu rồi.

  • What would you like on your bread?

    Bạn muốn gì trên bánh mì của bạn?

  • oysters accompanied by slices of fresh rye bread

    hàu kèm theo lát bánh mì lúa mạch đen tươi

  • bread thickly spread with peanut butter

    bánh mì phết bơ đậu phộng dày

  • loaves of crusty French bread

    ổ bánh mì Pháp giòn

  • some nice crusty white bread

    một ít bánh mì trắng giòn ngon

  • People started going up to receive the bread and wine (= in a church service).

    Mọi người bắt đầu đi lên để nhận bánh và rượu (= trong một buổi lễ ở nhà thờ).


tiền bạc


the best thing since sliced bread
(informal)if you say that something is the best thing since sliced bread, you think it is extremely good, interesting, etc.
your daily bread
the basic things that you need to live, especially food
half a loaf (is better than no bread)
(saying)you should be grateful for something, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing
  • The offer only amounted to half a loaf, but campaigners grabbed it anyway.
  • know which side your bread is buttered
    (informal)to know where you can get an advantage for yourself
    take the bread out of somebody’s mouth
    to take away somebody’s job so that they are no longer able to earn enough money to live