Definition of diesel


dầu diesel


The term "diesel" in reference to an engine type originated from the surname of a German engineer named Rudolf Diesel. In the late 19th century, Diesel developed a new combustion engine that operated by compressing air in the cylinder until it reached self-ignition temperatures, eliminating the need for a spark plug. This engine, known as the diesel engine, proved more efficient than traditional gasoline engines due to its higher compression ratios and use of a heavier, slower-burning fuel. The first diesel-powered vehicles were introduced in the early 1900s, and the diesel engine has since gained widespread popularity in a variety of applications, including transportation, industrial machinery, and electricity generation. The word "diesel" has since become a common noun in the English language, referring not only to the engine design, but also to the fuel used in those engines, which is a heavier, lower-volatility fuel than traditional gasoline.


a type of heavy oil used as a fuel instead of petrol

một loại dầu nặng được sử dụng làm nhiên liệu thay vì xăng

  • a diesel engine (= one that burns diesel)

    một động cơ diesel (= một động cơ đốt diesel)

  • diesel cars/locomotives/trains

    ô tô diesel/đầu máy/xe lửa

Extra examples:
  • The diesel model is slightly more expensive.

    Mô hình động cơ diesel đắt hơn một chút.

  • These buses run on diesel.

    Những chiếc xe buýt này chạy bằng dầu diesel.

  • It's one of the best diesel cars you can buy.

    Đó là một trong những chiếc xe diesel tốt nhất mà bạn có thể mua.

  • Nearly 300 litres of diesel oil were spilt in the river.

    Gần 300 lít dầu diesel đổ xuống sông.

  • The diesel engine burns its fuel much more efficiently.

    Động cơ diesel đốt cháy nhiên liệu hiệu quả hơn nhiều.

Related words and phrases

a vehicle that uses diesel fuel

một chiếc xe sử dụng nhiên liệu diesel

  • Our new car is a diesel.

    Xe mới của chúng tôi là động cơ diesel.