Definition of truck


xe tải


Definition of undefined

The word "truck" has its roots in medieval times. During the 14th to 16th centuries, a "truck" referred to a type of barrow or a strong wheeled cart used for hauling or transporting heavy loads. This term was often used in the context of agriculture and trade. Over time, as transportation technologies advanced, the meaning of the word "truck" evolved to encompass larger, motorized vehicles designed for hauling or carrying goods or materials. In the late 19th century, the term "motor truck" emerged, referring to a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. By the early 20th century, the term "truck" had become widely used to describe these motorized vehicles, and it has since become an integral part of modern English. Today, a truck is a versatile vehicle used for a wide range of purposes, from business to recreation.


a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road

một chiếc xe lớn để chở hàng nặng bằng đường bộ

  • a truck driver

    một tài xế xe tải

  • a 10-ton truck

    xe tải 10 tấn

  • Scott got a full time job driving a truck.

    Scott có công việc lái xe tải toàn thời gian.

Extra examples:
  • A convoy of heavy trucks rumbled past.

    Một đoàn xe tải hạng nặng ầm ầm chạy qua.

  • A tanker truck filled with gas exploded on the highway.

    Xe bồn chở xăng phát nổ trên đường cao tốc.

Related words and phrases

an open railway vehicle for carrying goods or animals

một phương tiện đường sắt mở để chở hàng hóa hoặc động vật

  • a cattle truck

    một chiếc xe chở gia súc

Extra examples:
  • The truck came loose from the engine and began to roll backwards.

    Chiếc xe tải bị lỏng động cơ và bắt đầu lùi về phía sau.

  • The only way of getting out of the city was in a cattle truck.

    Cách duy nhất để ra khỏi thành phố là bằng xe chở gia súc.

  • An ammunition truck exploded just yards from the station.

    Một xe tải chở đạn phát nổ cách nhà ga chỉ vài mét.

  • a truck load of grain

    một xe tải chở ngũ cốc

a vehicle that is open at the back, used for carrying goods, soldiers, animals, etc.

một loại xe mở phía sau, dùng để chở hàng hóa, binh sĩ, súc vật, v.v.

  • a delivery/farm truck

    một chiếc xe tải giao hàng/trang trại

  • a dump/tow/armoured truck

    một chiếc xe ben/kéo/xe bọc thép

  • They heard a truck pull up outside.

    Họ nghe thấy tiếng xe tải đỗ bên ngoài.

Extra examples:
  • The soldiers were travelling in the back of the truck.

    Những người lính đang đi ở phía sau xe tải.

  • a truck carrying sacks of vegetables

    một chiếc xe tải chở bao rau

  • Zach was playing with a toy truck on the floor.

    Zach đang chơi với một chiếc xe tải đồ chơi trên sàn nhà.

  • She heard the truck parking in front of the building.

    Cô nghe thấy tiếng xe tải đậu trước tòa nhà.

  • The bus crashed into a truck loaded with timber.

    Xe buýt đâm vào xe tải chở gỗ.

a vehicle for carrying things, that is pulled or pushed by hand

phương tiện để chở đồ, được kéo hoặc đẩy bằng tay


have/want no truck with somebody/something
(formal)to refuse to deal with somebody; to refuse to accept or consider something
  • We in this party will have no truck with illegal organizations.
  • Dave wants no truck with change. For him, things are just fine as they are.