Definition of detoxify


giải độc


The word "detoxify" has its roots in the early 20th century. It was first used in the context of medicine to describe the process of removing toxic substances from the body. The term "detoxify" was coined from the words "de-" meaning "to remove" and "toxic" meaning "poisonous." The concept of detoxification, or the removal of toxins from the body, dates back to ancient civilizations. For example, the ancient Greeks and Romans used bloodletting and purging to remove perceived impurities from the body. Similarly, many indigenous cultures have traditional practices for cleansing and purifying the body, such as sweat lodges and herbal remedies. The modern use of the term "detoxify" gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s with the rise of alternative medicine and the idea of "cleansing" the body of toxins. Today, the term is commonly used in health and wellness contexts to describe a range of treatments and activities aimed at removing toxins from the body and promoting overall health and well-being.


to remove harmful substances or poisons from something; to become free from harmful substances

loại bỏ các chất độc hại hoặc chất độc ra khỏi thứ gì đó; thoát khỏi các chất độc hại

  • She recommends bitter greens to cleanse and detoxify the body.

    Bà khuyên dùng rau xanh đắng để thanh lọc và giải độc cơ thể.

  • You can help your body detoxify by cutting down on coffee.

    Bạn có thể giúp cơ thể giải độc bằng cách cắt giảm lượng cà phê.

to stop drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs; to treat somebody in order to help them do this

ngừng uống quá nhiều rượu hoặc dùng ma túy; điều trị cho ai đó để giúp họ làm điều này

  • to detoxify from heroin addiction

    để cai nghiện heroin

  • He was twice detoxified from heroin.

    Ông đã được cai nghiện heroin hai lần.