Definition of defensible


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The word "defensible" derives from the Latin prefix "de," which means "from," and the verb "fendere," which means "to push away." In Middle English, the word was spelled "defendsible" and meant "capable of being defended." The term "defensible" originally referred to a place or structure that was strong enough to withstand attack. During the medieval period, castles and fortified towns would be described as defensible because they had sturdy walls, towers, and other defensive features. In the context of warfare, the word "defensible" became associated with strategies and tactics that were designed to protect troops and territory from enemy aggression. The concept of a defensible position or perimeter was important in military planning, as it provided a geographic advantage that could help to contain or repel invading forces. Over time, the meaning of "defensible" has expanded to include a wider range of contexts. Today, the word can describe anything that can be effectively defended, such as a legal argument, a theoretical position, or a personal belief. It can also refer to buildings or spaces that are designed with safety and security in mind, such as schools, hospitals, and housing complexes. Overall, the evolution of "defensible" reflects a deep and abiding human concern with protection and survival, from the physical security of a castle wall to the intellectual and emotional fortifications that help us to navigate the challenges of life.


able to be supported by reasons or arguments that show that it is right or should be allowed

có thể được hỗ trợ bởi những lý do hoặc lập luận cho thấy điều đó là đúng hoặc nên được cho phép

  • Are these measures either morally or legally defensible?

    Những biện pháp này có được bảo vệ về mặt đạo đức hay pháp lý không?

  • Is it morally defensible to deny legal advice to a prisoner?

    Việc từ chối tư vấn pháp lý cho tù nhân có được bảo vệ về mặt đạo đức không?

  • There is no defensible basis for this argument.

    Không có cơ sở bào chữa cho lập luận này.

Related words and phrases

able to be defended from an attack

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