Definition of cusp




The word "cusp" has its roots in Latin, derived from the word "cuspis," meaning "point" or "tip." In astronomy, a cusp refers to the point where two astronomical bodies, such as the Sun and Moon, seem to meet or touch in the sky. This term was inherited from Old French "cups," which also meant "point" or "tip." Over time, the word "cusp" expanded to describe other points or edges, such as the pointed end of a tooth or the vertex of a leaf. In modern English, the word "cusp" has several meanings, including the astronomical sense, a period of change or transition, and the dental anatomy of a tooth. The word has remained largely unchanged since its Latin roots, and its meaning has evolved to encompass a range of contexts and applications.


a pointed end where two curves meet

một đầu nhọn nơi hai đường cong gặp nhau

  • the cusp of a leaf

    đỉnh của một chiếc lá

the time of change between two different states

thời gian thay đổi giữa hai trạng thái khác nhau

  • two girls on the cusp of adulthood

    hai cô gái đang ở tuổi trưởng thành

  • He was on the cusp between small acting roles and moderate fame.

    Anh ấy đang ở giữa những vai diễn nhỏ và sự nổi tiếng vừa phải.

the time when one sign of the zodiac ends and the next begins

thời điểm một cung hoàng đạo kết thúc và cung hoàng đạo tiếp theo bắt đầu

  • I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra.

    Tôi sinh ra trên giao điểm giữa Xử Nữ và Thiên Bình.